Episode 2024.15 Published on 20 October 2024

Wrath of the Iresouls, Fun Encounter Design, and Love for Negotiation Rules | Solace Interview

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Velkommen! I'm Jon de Nor and this is Goblin Points.

This episode I have the pleasure of having Solace on. You might know their name as one of the first people to publish homebrew for Draw Steel, once the creator license dropped. What they published was actually the first published adventure made for Draw Steel.

Without further ado. Let's jump to the interview.


Transcript imminent


Thank you Solace for coming on. Links to Solace's homebrew, and Star Realms and Bump in the Dark is linked in the show notes. Do check it all out.

If you want to be featured on Goblin Points, or know of someone else who should be, leave a comment on YouTube or Spotify, or send me an e-mail on [email protected].

Links to the MCDM Discord server, the reddits for MCDM and Draw Steel, the YouTube channels of Matt and MCDM, the complete link section, and this script is in the show notes. It's also on goblinpoints.com.

Next episode is on the 5th. That'll be the roundup episode for the month of October. See you next time. Snakkes.
