Episode 2024.13 Published on 20 September 2024

Testing Draw Steel, Fun Combat, and Exciting Homebrew | Tamwin Interview

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Velkommen! I'm Jon de Nor and this is Goblin Points.

This time I'm talking to Tamwin. If you've hung out in the Draw Steel channels on Discord, you've probably seen his name a lot of times. I ask him about knowing the rules seemingly by heart, reverse engineering the kit math, and his experience running tactical test scenarios.


Transcript imminent


Thank you so much, Tamwin, for coming on. Links to A Practical Guide to Evil and Tamwin's homebrew is linked in the show notes.

If you want to be featured on Goblin Points, or know of someone else who should be, leave a comment on YouTube or Spotify, or send me an e-mail on [email protected].

Links to the MCDM Discord server, the reddits for MCDM and Draw Steel, the YouTube channels of Matt and MCDM, the complete link section, and this script is in the show notes. It's also on goblinpoints.com.

Next episode is on the 5th. That's the roundup for the month of September, which includes an insane amount of homebrew for Draw Steel. See you next time. Snakkes.
