Episode 2024.12 Published on 10 September 2024

Dicefunder Correction Episode


Velkommen! I'm Jon de Nor and this is Goblin Points.

Now, this is a bit embarrassing. It turns out I messed up and included some wrong information about the dicefunder in the most recent episode. The roundup for August.

I debated whether to update the show notes with a correction, or maybe update the episode itself. But no one is going to notice any of that if they've already listened to the episode. So here we are - a correction episode.

Dicefunder Correction

After releasing the episode I got a friendly email from MCDM saying that there might have been some miscommunication about what's included in the dicefunder. They might have miscommunicated, but the biggest error is completely on me.

There are five "regular" box sets, but Conduit is not among them. It's Censor. So the five colored box sets are Censor, Elementalist, Fury, Shadow and Tactician. The sixth set has a small surprise, which will be revealed at launch.

And speaking of launch. I said the date was the 20th. That's not correct, either. I'm not entirely sure how I came up with that date, but it's not the one mentioned by the general manager on Discord, nor the one the Backerkit page is counting down to. The current planned launch date is the 17th. I'm told the date might change before launch, though, so keep an eye out on mcdm.gg/dice for the correct date.


Anyway. I humbly apologize about misinforming you, dear listener. And thanks to MCDM for being so courteous.

Next episode. Or, I should say, the next planned episode is still on the 20th. I speak to Tamwin about Draw Steel, testing and danger rooms. See you next time. Snakkes.