Episode 2023.9 Published on 20 November 2023


Velkommen! I'm Jon de Nor and this is Goblin Points - a podcast covering MCDM, the MCDM community, and whatever else MCDM related.

This introductory episode is a short explanation of what this podcast is about.

As MCDM's portfolio grows and (hopefully) more people become aware of their great products, it becomes harder to keep up with everything that's happening. And I think, especially when the RPG releases, the buzz around MCDM will increase even further. And that's what Goblin Points is here for: your monthly roundup of what's happening.

I aim to release a new episode at the beginning of each month covering what's happened in the past month. I'll make a quick roundup of what's worth mentioning, saving you the hassle of keeping up on every social media platform out there.

If you have any tips or sightings about MCDM, send me an email at [email protected]. You can find the email address in the episode description.

That's it for now! I hope I've earned a subscription.

Until next time, snakkes.